LUMIKITA, the community snow art event, will be organized on Sunday, February 25, 2024. A prep party will be held on the previous days, Friday & Saturday, February 23 & 24.

Everyone who wants to can take part in building the snow sculptures, castles, and a common large sledding hill. Lumikita includes a downhill race, snowmobile sleigh rides, ice sculptures, carousel sledding, sausage roasting and other fun things! Lumikita values community and making a free event for everyone!

Participating are: Haihatus Art Centre, Cafe Meijerinliiteri, Lumikissat, Joutsa parish, Restaurant Huttula, Joutsa municipality, and private individuals.

If you have a fun idea suitable for a snow event, please contact us so that we can try to incorporate it into the plan together!

Planning meeting: Wednesday, 24.1.2024 from 18-19 at Restaurant Huttula. Welcome!

For more information contact Mimosa Pale at, 04578373742 or Nina Kuikka at the Joutsa library 040 725 8056 /

LUMIKITA event on facebook

Wednesday, 24.1.2024 – planning meeting in Huttula restaurant from 18-19
Friday, 23.2.2024 – prep party from 10.00-15.00 (come when you can)
Saturday, 24.2.2024 – prep party from 10.00-15.00 (come when you can)
Sunday, 25.2. 2024 – Lumikita snow event from 10:00-13:00

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