Wonder – Haihatus’ Co-Curated Summer Exhibition 2025

Yli 10 ihmistä seisoo rivissä selin kameraan päin talvisessa maisemassa. Taustalla isoja puita. Oikeassa reunassa oleva henkilö muista poiketen katsoo kameraan päin ja hymyilee

Wonder – Co-Curated Summer Exhibition 2025 at Haihatus Art Center

The nationally renowned contemporary art summer exhibition of Haihatus in Joutsa will open to the public on Saturday, June 28, 2025. The co-curated exhibition features works by 23 artists.

Wonder is a carefully woven ensemble of their ideas and artistic expression, nurturing childlike curiosity, hopefulness, and light.

The artists of the Lumous Summer Exhibition 2025 are:

Andy Best & Merja Puustinen

Deniz Satir

Edwina Goldstone

Henriikka Kivelä

Ilona Valkonen

Ilpo Jääskeläinen

Jaakko Vuorenmäki

Joonas Ahtikallio

Juha Saraste

Jukka Silokunnas

Justyna Koeke

Kim Somervuori

Marja Patrikainen

Nora Sederlöf

Oona Tikkaoja & Suvi Vepsä

Risto Puurunen

Suvi Vasama

Tapani Kokko

Veera Kopsala

Ville Pekka Vihma & Vera den Arend 

Lumous - kesänäyttelyn taiteilijat seisovat Haihatuksen liilan galleriatalon portailla talvisissa vaatteissa.

The summer exhibition extends across both the indoor and outdoor spaces of Haihatus, showcasing sculpture, painting, interactive works, and installations. Lumous offers visitors a playful and immersive experience—an adventure where the boundaries between art and reality blur. This multisensory exhibition invites them to delight, marvel, and be inspired.

The 2025 summer exhibition is curated by Haihatus’ artistic planning team, which consists of arts and culture professionals based in Joutsa and active within the Haihatus collective. The exhibition’s curation embraces new ways of utilizing the community’s expertise and creative potential. The artistic planning team curates the 2025 exhibition collectively and conceptually under the direction of Haihatus’ artistic director, Mimosa Pale.

“The driving force behind the community-based curation has been the desire to reach towards light, the wish to nurture and strengthen the core of creativity—play and the ability to let go, embrace, and be inspired.”
– Mimosa Pale

The Haihatus Art Direction Team

The members of the Haihatus art direction team are sculptor and performance artist Mimosa Pale, conceptual artist Anna Miller, photographer Johanna Pahalahti, artist-musician Risto Puurunen, musician and cultural producer Maija Sydänmaanlakka, film producer and director Elli Toivoniemi, and artist and diversity agent Arlene Tucker.

Mimosa Pale

A community artist and artistic director of Haihatus, with a Master of Arts degree from the Academy of Fine Arts. Works with sculpture and performance art while also active as a community artist and freelance artist in Joutsa. A member of the Haihatus leadership team in 2025.


Arlene Tucker

A Master of Semiotics, artist, diversity agent, and art educator. Passionate about bringing playfulness into everyday life through art. Inspired by semiotics, nature, and animals, their work creates meaningful shared moments and encourages open dialogue and interaction. Artworks often leave space for interpretation and surprises.

Elli Toivoniemi

A film producer and director, part of the Haihatus leadership team in 2025 as the executive producer and coordinator of the Kukkiva kylä community project. Enthusiastic about plant-based food, fungi, and small-scale gardening.

Maija Sydänmaanlakka

A musician (BA) specializing in musical theatre and a cultural producer (BA). Has worked as a singer-actress and event producer in Finland and international artist residencies. Runs Galleria Jäähuone, located at the family-owned summer café, Café Meijerinliiteri, in Joutsa, and produces the Suonteen Soitto summer concert series. Also serves as vice-chairperson of the Haihatuksen Henki association.

Risto Puurunen

An artist-musician, best known for the cult band Cleaning Women. Owns the Haihatus properties and has been active in the Haihatuksen Henki association board and Haihatus leadership since 2019.

Johanna Pahalahti

A photographer and artist, working with documentary photography and camera-less techniques. Draws inspiration from silence, summer cottage landscapes, and the significance of past generations’ experiences. Currently studying to become an art therapy instructor and is a board member of Haihatuksen Henki association.

Anna Miller

A conceptual artist working with performance, installation, ceramics, stained glass, and music. Coordinates the Voimametsä community art project at Haihatus, organizing art workshops and events for refugees and local families. Holds a Master’s degree in psychology and pedagogy from Herzen State University, with work that frequently explores socially impactful art.

Vesa Väänäsen mustahattuinen pääfiguuri heinäpeltomaisemassa
Vesa Väänäsen suulta näyttävä teos ilta-auringon valossa.
Vesa Väänäsen teokset peltomaisemassa. Keskisormea näyttävä käsi, jossa kahvikuppi, sekä iso sininen haarukka.

Wonder enchants the Haihatus grounds

The Haihatus Art Direction Team aims to renew the art center’s offerings, making them accessible and engaging for all ages. The expansive and diverse spaces of Haihatus provide experiences for a full-day visit, making it a perfect destination for the whole family.

The summer exhibition, together with its complementary services, creates an immersive environment where all senses awaken. In the summer of 2025, visitors can linger in the lush Haihatus garden, enjoying the expanded ITE art collection alongside newly developed café and accommodation services.

The summer exhibition is open from June 28 to August 31, 2025, Tuesday to Sunday, 11 AM – 6 PM.

Tickets: €15 / €10 / €5
Haihatus is a Museum Card destination.

Taidelaitos Haihatus / Haihatus Art Center
Jousitie 68-70, Joutsa

🔗 Find detailed contact information here.

🔗 Read about Haihatus’ accessibility and facilities here.

Media Contacts:

Mimosa Pale – Artistic Director of Haihatus
✉️ mimosa@haihatus.fi

Elli Toivoniemi – Executive Producer of Haihatus
✉️ elli@haihatus.fi

OPEN CALL FOR ARTISTS:E75 – a journey through Europe

Euroopan kartta jossa sinisellä piirretty reitti Kreikasta Norjan pohjoisosiin saakka. Kuvan oikeassa reunassa violettisävytteinen piirretty bussi, jonka kyljessä lukee E75 ART BUS


E75 – a journey through Europe

Deadline 6 January 2025

E75 ART BUS | E75 art journey:

Norway (Finnmark) – Finland – Estonia -Latvia – Lithuania – Poland – Slovakia –
Hungary – Serbia – North Macedonia – Greece

Lue artikkeli suomeksi tästä linkistä: https://haihatus.fi/e75-taidebussi-avoin-haku-taiteilijoille/


The E75 Art Bus is an art journey exploring the E75 road through Europe. E75, or Europe Road 75, is a 5 639 kilometer long route that starts from Vardø in Norway and ends at Siteia in Crete, Greece.

E75 Art Vehicles is a project by Artists’ Association MUU and the Northern cultural magazine Kaltio. Project is part of the Oulu2026 European Capital of Culture Programme.
The project will host artist residencies together with an international residency network in 2025.
The art journey itself along the European E75 route takes place in April-May 2026. The new artworks produced in the project will be experienced along the road and on the bus. The resident artists for the project are selected through an open call.

Roads connect European nations and people to each other. The E75 project creates both new geographical and new mental connections: the art bus unites the Mediterranean to the Arctic Ocean simultaneously with artists from eleven countries to each other and to active people in dozens of communities on the way. On the open call, we create and discover works that reflect upon universal European themes: democracy, giving peace a chance, and possible futures for our continent. In addition, artists can suggest projects pertaining to the technology and history of travel and communication.


The E75 residencies take place from April to June 2025, ranging from 6 weeks to 2 months. The artists are expected to present their work during the E75 Art Bus journey (Oulu – Siteía – Vardø –
Oulu, 9 April – 18 May 2026). The duration for artists’ participation for the journey will be
negotiated with the artists later.

The partners in the residency network are

  • Pikene på Broen (Kirkenes, Norway),
  • Komafest AS (Vardø, Norway),
  • Laboratoriet for kunst, kultur og stedsutvikling (Vardø, Norway),
  • Gjesteatelieret i Vadsø, Finnmark fylkeskommune (Vadsø, Norway),
  • Art Center KulttuuriKauppila (Ii, Finland),
  • Art Center Haihatus (Joutsa, Finland),Instytut B61 & Toruńska Agenda Kulturalna (Toruń, Poland),
  • Malý Berlín (Trnava, Slovakia) and
  • Μεταξωτο / Metaxoto (Chania, Greece).

The residency organisations are presented at the end of the text.
We accept applications from professional artists resident in the regions of the E75 Art Bus route:
Finnmark (Norway), Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Slovakia, Hungary, Serbia, North Macedonia, Greece.
The applicant can apply for any residency place or specific residencies according to their working methods and other requirements. The artists will not be allocated to residencies in their home countries.


Nine artists are chosen to participate in the project. Selection will be multidisciplinary and represent different sections of the E75 Art Bus route. Aim is also to find works that can engage people in communities either locally or through digital means. Preference is given to proposals that engage in new forms of visual art that are at the core of MUU activities: media art, light art, sound art, performance art, live art, community art, environmental art etc.
Performance, site-specific, durational and interactive works can be realized in different places the tour stops in and/or on the road within the bus itself. We welcome also proposals for hybrid works that can be presented digitally online, as well as proposals that document the journey.

The jury that makes the artist selection consists of MUU’s director Timo Soppela, Kaltio editor-in-chief Paavo J. Heinonen, and artist members of MUU’s exhibition group: Leevi Lehtinen, Terhi Nieminen and Matti Tainio.


The applications are sent through an electronic form on MUU’s website. The information required includes applicant’s contact information, biography, CV, work samples, a link to a portfolio, a work plan, and possible preferences for the residency location.
If available, we also will like to see a link to an interview, a podcast or a video presentation that
introduces the applicant!
During the residency period in 2025, we shall implement 1–3 online events that connect the
residencies. In these events, we will discuss the work and artistic practice of the resident artists as well as the progress of E75 Art Bus journey. The artists will have a chance to discuss their work
further during the eventual bus trip in April and May 2026.

The facilities and equipment available in each residency location are different, and the chosen artists will be allocated to places that suit their work practice. The recidency organisations will offer accommodation and working facilities. Travel expenses, some material costs as well as the artist fee will be covered by E75 Art Vehicles project. The artist fee is 1 500 € / month / person
(this will be increased up to 2 700 € / month if the project secures extra funding).
The selection will be made and communicated to the applicants latest in February 2025.

Link to the application form:



On the bus trip, we bring the artists together with the organisers and the audiences. The extra seats on the bus will be sold to members of the public. During the six-week journey there will be events taking place in 20+ stopping places, as well as on the bus itself. There will be different devices available to experience media art, but we will also develop a mobile studio that can record and stream discussions and other kinds of performances directly from the moving bus. E75 stretches from the Mediterranean to the Arctic Ocean. Southern end point is in Siteía on the island of Crete, Northern in Vardø in Finnmark.

The Art Bus journey starts in Oulu, Finland on 9 April 2026, and continues through Helsinki, Kaunas, Trencin, Trnava, Budapest, Novi Sad, Skopje, Thessaloniki, Eleusis and Athens. From Athens journey continues by ferry to Crete and reach Chania, Heraklion and Siteía on 24 April. Turning back North, we take the same road, adding
Torun, Gdansk and Liepaja to our itinerary, as well as Joutsa, Ii, Inari and Vadsø. We celebrate the end-of-the-road festival in Vardø on 16 May, from where we return to Oulu for 20 May.
The participation of each artist selected will be discussed separately – it will be possible to travel the whole road or a part of it. We will try to minimise flight and have artists board the bus from their home areas on the southbound part of the trip.


MUU ry (Artists’ Association MUU)

Founded in 1987, Artists’ Association MUU is a national interdisciplinary art organisation that represents and promotes new media art in Finland. MUU supports the professional identity, working conditions, education, training and networking of artists. It also serves as an influencer in cultural policy. MUU is a member organisation in the Artists’ Association of Finland. MUU has over 700 professional artist members based in Finland. MUU operates the MUU Helsinki Contemporary
Art Centre in Helsinki.

MUU Helsinki Contemporary Art Centre in Cable Factory is an international project space and
center for new areas of contemporary art, which serves artists across the boundaries between the
arts. The 160 m2 event, exhibition and training space, which can be converted into various uses,
with a room height of six meters and good technical equipment, provides a framework for even
the most demanding works and projects. https://muu.fi

Kaltio magazine

Cultural magazine Kaltio was founded in Oulu in 1945, and it is the longest-running continuously
published Finnish language cultural journal outside Helsinki. Kaltio has been awarded the Quality
Cultural Magazine of the Year award in 2008, the Kiila Award in 2011, the Barents Council Cultural Cooperation Award 2019 as well as Skrew You recognition award of the Oulu Comics Society in 2020. Kaltio is published by a member organisation “Kaltio ry” with 120 members.

E75 Art Vehicles is part of the Oulu2026 cultural programme and cultural climate change. Oulu is the European Capital of Culture for the year 2026. Oulu and the entire northern Finland will be filled with culture, art, and events in the coming years. Northern Finland will rise to the world map in an unprecedented way as Finnish and international cultural experts create something new in cities, countryside, and nature. It is a journey spanning several years, culminating in the year 2026.

E75 Art Vehicles is part of the Oulu2026 cultural programme and cultural climate change. Oulu is
the European Capital of Culture for the year 2026. Oulu and the entire northern Finland will be
filled with culture, art, and events in the coming years. Northern Finland will rise to the world map
in an unprecedented way as Finnish and international cultural experts create something new in
cities, countryside, and nature. It is a journey spanning several years, culminating in the year 2026.

More information: oulu2026.eu

Euroopan kartta jossa sinisellä piirretty reitti Kreikasta Norjan pohjoisosiin saakka.



Finnmark has large distances and scarce population, so we recommend artists preferring our Norwegian residencies to have a driver’s license, if they wish to move around beyond the towns. Local organizations will help with possible car rental.

The artists selected in Finnmark residencies work in two places each: in April, two artists in
Kirkenes (April 1–30) and one in Vadsø (April 1–27), in May all three move to Vardø.

Pikene på Broen
1–30 April 2025

A curator organization operating for nearly 30 years in the town of about 3 000 inhabitants, Pikene
på Broen maintains two residential apartments in connection with their office and gallery premises. Apartments are on the second floor (stairs / chair lift). Specialization in visual and
performing arts.


Gjesteatelieret i Vadsø
1–27 April 2025

A guest studio maintained by the Finnmark county administration, 2 km from the center, about 80
m2 on two floors. Space for 1–3 people. Includes studio spaces, non-toxic graphic printing facilities
and the possibility of using a ceramics oven. Our other partner organisation, The Vadsø Artists’
Association maintains a gallery space in the central Vadsø. 


New artist residency
27 April / 30 April – 31 May 2025

Two local organisations Kulturpilot (Laboratoriet for kunst, kultur og stedsutvikling i Vardø) and
Komafest have been organizing various events in Vardø for a long time. The E75 artist residencies
function as a pilot project for a new residency program in the town center. The historic building
Mads Johnsenbua is built in the 19th century and also houses the Pomor Museum. The residence
hall has facilities for a maximum of six people. Kulturpilot and Komafest help in finding suitable
workspaces for each artist.



1 April – 31 May 2025

Art Centre KulttuuriKauppila have an operating international residency program of almost 20
years. The residential apartment has two bedrooms and shared common rooms, and it is recently
renovated. The 45 m2 working space is shared by artists in residence. Within the premises is also
the studio building of the three KulttuuriKauppila home artists, and a teaching space of the civic
college. It is located one kilometre from the center of Ii and 40 km from Oulu centre by local bus
connection (€2.50).



1 April – 15 May 2025

Art Center Haihatus is an international, relaxed working residency along the E75, 200 km north of
Helsinki. It has three historically significant buildings located on a large rural lot. Haihatus
organises events, exhibitions and workshops year round. The residence hall has four single and
two double bedrooms, with shared amenities. There are plenty of workspaces, especially for visual
and performance art, and the wood workshop and tools are available to use. The services in the
central Joutsa are at 1,5 km distance.



Instytut B61 & Toruńska Agenda Kulturalna

1 April – 31 May 2025

The new residency program of the city of Torun is located in a renovated historic building less than
two kilometers from the city center. Work spaces for music, game art, dance, performing arts and photography are being built. The residency is produced in cooperation with Insityt B61, an
organization that combines astronomy and art.




Mály Berlin
1 April – 31 May 2025

Mály Berlin is an independent cultural center in Trnava along the E75 between Trencin and
Bratislava. The center has its own exhibition space and about annual 300 events. It is very active in
international projects. The centre has their own residency program which offers opportunities for
creators of performing and visual arts as well as researchers and other cultural professionals.



25 April – 6 June 2025

Focusing on performing arts and founded in 2019, Metaxoto is a dance school that also has a one-
bedroom residence. The residence is located in the Mourniés area, about 3 km from Chania’s old
town and the beach. The space has two dance studios (60 and 160 m2) and one 25 m2 work space
and 2 libraries. Metaxoto’s own “RiRE – Researcher in Residence” program invites 1–2 researchers
to Chania every year.


Deadline for the applications 6 January 2025!

Link to the application form:


Inquiries: Timo Soppela, director@muu.fi

Drawings made by Veli-Matti Ural.

HAIHATUS25 -exhibition | Co-curator Ali Akbar Mehta

Ali Akbar Mehta portait

Photographer: Aman Askarizad

HAIHATUS25 -exhibition

Co-curator Ali Akbar Mehta

Navigating many worlds (with a compass designed to break) or How to come together in an unstable state


A celebration of Haihatus completing 25 years – operating as a residency, an exhibition space, and an organisation that has worked through multiple changing iterations in flux to consistently remain at the heart of a culture-producing praxis – is a relevant marker of ideas brought forward from spaces traditionally left on the margins in Finnish contemporary art’s national and international contexts. To celebrate such an occasion is significant not only in the simultaneous crises of climate, capital, and culture but also locally prompted by the state of affairs within the Finnish art and cultural scene.

Finland is known as the ‘Land of Associations’, yet most art and culture-related associations are often on the brink of extinction or are walking the precarious edge of eking out their labour and funding to squeeze out ‘just one more’ exhibition, seminar, or festival before an imminent shutdown. This just-about-surviving condition of the art and cultural workers is caused due to an undue emphasis on newness and the trending next-big-thing, rather than continuity and slow meaningful work. It is reflected and even compounded by the Finnish socio-political environment where the past decade has seen an accelerated tilt towards far-right governance, the opposition to climate policies, the popularisation of Finnish ethnonationalism, and the ever-increasing restrictions on immigration, the rights of women and LGBTQI+ minorities. The new cuts in government budgets in social welfare funding and the growing job precarity of the working class are aimed neither at paying debts nor managing other public expenses, but towards ‘contemporary borderisation’ – a process that causes reinforcement, reproduction and intensification of the vulnerability of the financially weaker and structurally marginalized members of its society, and as such are aimed at adversely affecting them. We are living in a time where we are witnessing struggles over openness and enclosure, sovereignty and nationalism, citizenship and identity, or for that matter security and freedom.

What can a shift in focus from surviving to celebrating look like? How do you navigate a space, a community, a city, or a country that can seem unwelcoming, hostile, or indifferent? What does it mean to occupy spaces that are not designed for you? What are the new ways of seeing and experiencing the world being shaped in our name, or that we are shaping for ourselves and others?

The 18 artists and collectives of the Haihatus 25 exhibition respond to these questions by showcasing a variety of works in multiple media, including painting, sculpture, VR, photography, printmaking, and film – each representing perhaps a differing set of values, yet are representative of the fact that today, artistic practice and research are increasingly enmeshed in systems and ecologies. Collaboration and transdisciplinarity are key themes. What’s more, we now recognize that the major issues the world faces – the issues that really matter – are all systems issues.

Systems that are reshaping the world order, which today is based on disenfranchisement, necropolitical governments prioritising security and ‘management of risk’ over welfare, socio-political-legal architectures of control, technology-driven speed regimes, and borderization as processes of containment and regulation. One such system issue is the ways in which these techno-political regimes affect our knowing and interfacing with the world around us, and how we experience, understand, and learn from it.

We are allegedly living in a ‘knowledge-based’ society, where immaterial labour has a dominant form, where the ability to communicate, to act autonomously and to produce knowledge are the requirements for being creative, for creating and consuming knowledge. Knowledge has to be produced somewhere, once produced, it has to be transmitted… this transmission, by necessity, implies a pedagogical element. It is a process of teaching and (un)learning, of re-evaluating whose knowledges, histories and stories are heard, deemed acceptable, and considered valuable. This is not limited to the art or cultural field but is symptomatic across multiple genres, disciplines and fields, ranging from the entanglements of globalisation, transnationalism, cosmopolitanism, and technisation.

Even within mainstream contexts, one may assume that if knowledge is of increasing importance today and across multiple fields, both institutions of creating and transmitting knowledge must be important – but reality disproves this assumption as we witness a deterioration due to lack of funding, ruining academies and universities; and defunding and cuts in culture sector reducing the effectiveness of artistic endeavours. If we stay in this course, we will reach a knowledge society without knowledge. Worse, society will transform into a society interested only in very specific kinds of knowledge – those that have immediate relevance in the job markets. The role of pedagogy in imparting knowledge based on economic gain is a crucial statement of fact indicating the state of government policy, the dominating corporate sectors and the diminishing role of knowledge itself.

A micronarrative within the exhibition, a trajectory formed through works by Joss Allen, Sheung Yiu, Adnan Mirza, Bruno Moreschi and Bernado Fontes, seeks to subvert these effects by creating relevant and meaningful knowledge production that goes against the grain of neocolonial and neoliberal capitalism and the prescriptive definitions of progress.

Joss Allen’s A rye becoming is a sound piece and publication delving into the evolution of cultural relationships between human beings and rye, first as a weed and later as an irreplaceable food grain of historic significance. Styled as an auto-ethnographic and poetic narrative from the perspective of Rye, the sound/text may be experienced while atop a watchtower, gazing across a field of wheat, a field that rye was historically borne out of, or even while walking among the golden stalks during the heart of summer.

Sheung Yiu’s Everything is a projection contemplates the authenticity of (virtual) reality. The work invites its audiences into an installation comprising two videos and wax sculptures, deploying the viewers’ sense of smell to subvert notions of digital space and memory; while Adnan Mirza’s Memoryscape utilises digital space to elaborate on ‘memory’ through an interactive Virtual Reality (VR) experience that complicates notions of home and belonging. By claiming that multiple modalities of belonging-ness are possible, Mirza presents a fragmented layering of two places Mirza calls home – Lahore and Helsinki – as viewers experience the tapestries of contaminated realities, these overlaps are further multiplied and made hybrid by the witnessing gaze of the viewer. In another room, these hybridities are consolidated and concretised as drawings in ink.

The works of Bruno Moreschi and Bernado Fontera, titled Decanonization, present reverse-engineered photo images from Google’s Open Images dataset. By recreating those parts not used and discarded in training Computer Vision systems, their work not only foregrounds questions of commodified value, extractivist capitalism, and ‘strategy of domination’, but also shatters popular conceptions of AI as being ‘an independent automated entity that functions without human support’. This is highlighted by the accompanying video that provides a first-person account of the exploitation of out-sourced and underpaid ‘Turkers’ (crowd workers) by the ‘AI Industry’, who perform millions of Human Intensive Tasks (HITs) to enable simple algorithms to process big data.

Together these four works present systems-critical techno-political narratives that seek to expand ways of collaborative and transdisciplinarity knowing. Here, the artist is simultaneously an archivist/ artist/ curator/ author/ researcher/ participant/ audience. Their works exemplify that in times where institutional pedagogies are linked to commodification and are failing, it is possible to resist and generate relevant and meaningful knowledge(s) that carry with them the potential to affect change.



LUMIKITA, the community snow art event, will be organized on Sunday, February 25, 2024. A prep party will be held on the previous days, Friday & Saturday, February 23 & 24.

Everyone who wants to can take part in building the snow sculptures, castles, and a common large sledding hill. Lumikita includes a downhill race, snowmobile sleigh rides, ice sculptures, carousel sledding, sausage roasting and other fun things! Lumikita values community and making a free event for everyone!

Participating are: Haihatus Art Centre, Cafe Meijerinliiteri, Lumikissat, Joutsa parish, Restaurant Huttula, Joutsa municipality, and private individuals.

If you have a fun idea suitable for a snow event, please contact us so that we can try to incorporate it into the plan together!

Planning meeting: Wednesday, 24.1.2024 from 18-19 at Restaurant Huttula. Welcome!

For more information contact Mimosa Pale at mimosa@haihatus.fi, 04578373742 or Nina Kuikka at the Joutsa library 040 725 8056 / nina.kuikka@joutsa.fi.

LUMIKITA event on facebook

Wednesday, 24.1.2024 – planning meeting in Huttula restaurant from 18-19
Friday, 23.2.2024 – prep party from 10.00-15.00 (come when you can)
Saturday, 24.2.2024 – prep party from 10.00-15.00 (come when you can)
Sunday, 25.2. 2024 – Lumikita snow event from 10:00-13:00

Summer 2023: Kaiken takana / Beyond Everything

“Beyond Everything” 17.6 – 27.8.2023 

The 24th Fine Arts Summer Exhibition in Art Center Haihatus, Joutsa, Finland 

Art Center Haihatus’s “Beyond Everything” is bringing over 40 artists to Joutsa, Finland. The fine arts group exhibition is held 17.6-27.8.

The multidisciplinary Fine Arts Summer Exhibition Beyond Everything focuses on powers that influence the world behind our sensory perceptions. Different kinds of energies, the bending dimension of time and the ever-changing borders of reality come together as one!

The summer exhibition is presenting fine arts from Finnish spatial arts pioneer Marja Kanervo, video arts from Mika Taanila and Anssi 8000, sculptures from young Finnish masters such as Laura Könönen and Aaron Heino, paintings and mural works from Siiri Haarla, installations from Academy Awards Oscar Nominee 2023 for Best Music, Cleaning Women, sound arts from Antti Tolvi and J. Koho and much more! 

House of Kinetic Arts KITA is also presenting their summer exhibition Interventilation as an independent part of Haihatus Summer Exhibition, which is a brand new collection of kinetic artworks by international artists. 

The full list of artists: Erik Alalooga, Artemisia Vulgaris, Anders Bergman, Lotta Blomberg, Baran Caginli, Cleaning Women, Michal Czinege & Maija Laurinen, Santiago Delgado, Jenni Eskola, Noora Federley, Siiri Haarla, Hannah Harkes, Aaron Heino, Elisa Hillgén, Juhana Hurula, Aino Johansson, Lasse Juuti, Kallo Collective, Marja Kanervo, Anssi Kasitonni, Asko Keränen, J. Koho, Laura Könönen, Mikko Laaksonen, Johanna Latvala, Maria Mattila, Anna Miller, Panu Ollikainen, Ilmo Paukkunen, Essi Pitkänen, Risto Puurunen & Marita Isobel Solberg, Matti Salmela, Jenni Sormunen, Restlessminds, Shubhangi Singh, Mika Taanila, Antti Tolvi, Keijo Virtanen, Julius Valve, Steve Vanoni and Tuomo Vuoteenoma.

Art Center Haihatus will also hold music events in July. The two events, Music Sundays, will be held on Sunday 16th of July with the industrial-krautrock band Cleaning Women and electronic hurdy-gurdy music by Hur Hur, and Sunday 30th of July with Finnish folk artists Lätsä and A. Takalo. Both of the events will have after parties at the local Kellari bar in Joutsa center. Theater Metamorfoosi’s and Kallo Collective’s collective effort, a physical and satirical theater piece Into the Wild will be holding shows at every weekend all through July at Art Center Haihatus. More information and tickets for Into the Wild are available at the Haihatus website: haihatus.fi

“Beyond Everything” The 24th Fine Arts Summer Exhibition of Art Center Haihatus 17.6-27.8.

Tickets 5-20€ / Museokortti (Finnish Museum Card)i

Open from Wed-Sun from 11 AM to 6 PM

Closed during Midsummer festivities 23.-25.6.

Art Center Haihatus, Jousitie 68-70, Joutsa, Finland

House of Kinetic Arts KITA, Tokerontie 11, Joutsa, Finland

More information and requests for interviews:
Official webpage of Art Centre Haihatus: http://haihatus.fi
FB: facebook.com/taidelaitoshaihatus

Art Center Haihatus, Risto Puurunen, phone. +358400 858 639, risto@haihatus.fi 
KITA -gallery, Tuomo Vuoteenoma, puh. +35850 369 3839, tuomo@haihatus.fi

Press pictures for free use (please use the photographer’s name): https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1DddWo88BTem-X90ByISqBZ6eZQCjNYGo? usp=sharing

Pupurutsa at MusicSunday after party 26.7.2020

26.7.2020 Pupurutsa plays at Haihatus’ MusicSunday after parties at Ravintola Kellari. After party starts at 22:00 and the show starts at 22:30.

Pupurutsa takes influences from electro, punk and experimental music creating songs which lyrics circle around themes of politics and ecology to personal stories. The purpose of the music is to make people move on the dance floor as well as in the society. Pupurutsa is a couple years old and has played mostly in Tampere, for example in Vastavirta club and different kinds of DIY events.

According to their own words “Pupurutsa. Unlikely electronic duo. Taped spectacles. Abrupt lyrics. Wrinkly music. Stiff hips. Frigid moves. With these you can ruin even the best party. Party on!”

Check Pupurutsa’s Valtakunta demo here!

So, after Ville Pirinen and Litku Klemetti shows, make your way to Ravintola Kellari after party to check out Pupurutsa! Entrance is free of charge. Welcome!

MusicSunday hotel packets now on sale!

Art Centre Haihatus and Hotel Aatto & Elli offer a hotel packet deal for 99€. The packet is for two and it includes tickets to Haihatus’ summer exhibition and to a gig of your choice, and a hotel night with breakfast.

Litku Klemetti added to MusicSundays

Taidelaitos Haihatus is proud to announce that Litku Klemetti will be starring one of the upcoming MusicSundays shows. She will perform 26.7. as well as the previously announced Ville Pirinen.

The shows begin around 6pm and the event continues until 10pm. There’s a limited amount of tickets so make sure to get one from Haihatus’ webstore. Welcome!

19.7. Martti Servo & Napander + Veijo Peso
26.7. Ville Pirinen + Litku Klemetti
2.8. Seksihullut + Cleaning Women
9.8. Risto + Cosmo Jones Beat Machine
16.8. Aavikko + O Samuli A
DJ Salmelan Muovisorvaamo
Shows starting from 18:00 – Tickets 12€ / 10€ / 3€.

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