Death by Landscape
Death by Landscape is a band who contains members Joni Judén and Victor Gogly. The duo’s music takes influence from minimalism, drone, blues- and ambient music. Death by Landscape’s music is based on improvisation and to mutual interaction between Judén and Gogly. Death by Landscape performs on Haihatus’s KITA OPEN -festival Sunday 27.8.

Poet and rapper DXXXA D combines spoken word poetry and rhythm and Finnish rap music. Black humour, the weirdness of the human condition, dark landfills of the psyche, cheap Chinese oil-painted visions of the soul and magical realism are main components of DXXXA D’s poetry.
Low-frequency bass and rhythm, human beatbox and intoxicating beats are inseparatable parts of DXXXA D’s poetry and music in which beautiful and foggy landscapes of the soul are laced in destiny’s background hiss. DXXXA D has released over 20 full-length albums with different projects and solo works. This year he will released two new albums. DXXXA D will perform at Huttula near the KITA-gallery on Saturday 26.8.

Errortic Dancer
Errortic Dancer s a Helsinki-based circus performer and art educator Kati Köykä’s hula hoop performance’s alter ego. The performance is based heavily on the interlinking visual impressions of lights, musa and dance. The show is happening on KITA OPEN -festival’s Saturday night 26.8. at Art Center Haihatus.

Elisa Hillgen
Elisa Hillgen is the hardest working light artist of Jyväskylä with a fabulous sense of humour and amazing set of skills. Hillgen will create a sensational light art installation for the Haihatus yard where the festival camping and Saturday night 26.8. of KITA OPEN takes place.

Hojutron is KITA’s artistic director Tuomo Vuoteenoma’s performative ceremony combining kinetic sculpture, music, lights and dance. Hojutron will perform Saturday night 27.8. at Haihatus’s Galleryhouse’s attic.

Actor and comedienne Niina Hosiasluoma will present her performative caresession at KITA OPEN’s Sunday 27.8. at Art Center Haihatus with these thoughts: “Nose on point. The performative session is an experience that will included somatic and corporeal lounging. Could even be therapeutic.” Hoisiasluoma’s reception will take a finite number of patients – the selection procedure will be revealed at Haihatus.

J. Koho
on laaja-alaisesti äänen parissa työskentelevä äänitaitelija ja -suunnittelija. Live-esiintymisten ja -esitysten, ääni-installaatioiden, radioteosten, kuuntelukarttojen ja -kävelyiden ohella hän tekee yhteistyötä eri taiteen toimijoiden kanssa. Viime aikoina hän on suuntautunut äänen ja kuuntelun käytäntöjen sekä teorioiden ohella jo kuultavan kuunteluun. Kokeellisen musiikin keikka kuullaan Haihatuksen sunnuntain iltapäivästä.

Jussi P Niiku Pekka
Juss P Niiku Pekka plays Finnish experimental folk music that scopes on the grey areas of consciousness. He calls his music brainfolk which is performed with vocals and guitar. Jussi P Niiku Pekka will be part of Art Wandering of KITA OPEN starting 15.30 from Huttula. Check out

Marko Kaiponen
Marko Kaiponen, hailing from Toivakka, is a veteran of performance artist who is also known from his round-shaped house and his passion envoking spectacles. He will present a new performance pieece at KITA OPEN’s Sunday afternoon 27.8. at Haihatus.

Kehto Experimance
Kehto Experimance will provide a chance to vibe out the festival atmosphere for one person at once laying down in a adult-sized cradle. Everyone participating can revisit the baby experience for 30 minutes per festival guest.
Kehto Experimance is provided by puppet and contemporary artist group which consists artists Johanna Latvala, Maiju Tainio and Seija-Leena Salo.

Asko Keränen
Haihatuksen 24th Fine Arts Summer Exhibition artist Asko Keränen from the internationally acclaimed band 22-pistepirkko performs a solo gig at the Haihatus’s Fantasia-house in the end of KITA OPEN -festival at 16:00.

Association for experimental electronics (KOELSE) has been active almost 20 years bending the borders of imagination by creating installations, art exhibitions and gigs at different art and music festivals – also as a part of Haihatus Summer Exhibitions in 2020 and 2021. Legendary KOELSE will perform their first musical sound art gig at Haihatus that will happen at KITA OPEN -festival’s Saturday night 26.8. at 23:00.

Henna Matanuska
Henna Matanuska will perform Traces of Hooping on KITA’s Saturday afternoon. The improvisation based, participatory hula hoop performance studies the traces of authentic movement and the implementation of corporeal movement. Materials of thee perfomance includes charcoal, dry pastel colors, hula hoops, daner and a white round pedestal.
The performance starts with audience doing suggestions for movement using drawing and creative thought of which the dancer will interpret in her on way using hula hoops accompanied by sound art impulses by Ilmari Säävälä. The audience can follow the process of creating traces in the space – in the end the pedestal will have traces of movement imprinted.

Miller – Joenperä – Valve
Haihatus’s artists Anna Miller, Johannes Joenperä and Julius Valve’s performance includes shadow, light and sound. ”Dream Bubbles” premieres on Saturday night at Fantasia -house of Haihatus. The performance includes thought juggling and blowing of dream bubbles.

Pajatso band is a sub-arctic surf band from Oulu, Finland that will make the audience twist and shake with like a snakes hypnotised by a snake charmer.

Antti Tolvi
Antti Tolvi is a Turku-based sound artist also known from his sound art festival Kiilan äänipäivät (Kiila’s sound days). He will perform a sound art gig at Art Wandering happening at KITA’s day program starting 15:30 from Huttula.

Katso KITA OPEN -yleisohjelma TÄSTÄ– See what’s happening in nutshell HERE!