Haihatus Art Centre’s 25th Anniversary Summer Exhibition 15.6.–25.8.2024

Usvainen peltomaisema hämärässä illassa. Keskellä kuvaa vaaleisiin pukeutunut henkilö selin katsojaan päin. Ympärillä ITE-taidetta, eli nykykansantaidetta tehtynä erilaisista metalliosista.


Haihatus Art Centre’s 25th Anniversary Summer Exhibition  15.6.–25.8.2024

Haihatus Art Center’s 25th Anniversary Fine Arts Summer Exhibition HAIHATUS25 hosts works in various mediums and genres by contemporary artists in Finland and internationally. Haihatus Art Centre, located in the municipality of Joutsa in Central Finland, celebrates its long history of inviting artists from different backgrounds and practices. 

HAIHATUS25 features new and recent art by artists primarily based in Finland, showcasing a variety of works in multiple media, including painting, sculpture, VR, photography, printmaking, and film. This must-see exhibition is a unique window into all areas of the contemporary art world in Finland. The exhibition is curated by Elham Rahmati, Ali Akbar Mehta, Jenna Jauhiainen and Julius Valve. The group exhibition opens on June 15th.

The artists in this exhibition seek to confront and challenge the tendencies and trajectories shaping the world today. Through this exhibition, they provoke and facilitate critical, timely conversations centred on the intersections of identity, self-image, equality, systemic, structural racial injustice, and discrimination based on ethnicity, class, religion, sexual orientation, and gender, among other things. More broadly, the lasting events that have shaped the past few years and beyond—from the pandemic to the reckoning around anti-coloniality and racial justice—make this exhibition’s conversations and voices more salient now than ever.

Celebrating the 25th anniversary of Taidelaitos Haihatus, the HAIHATUS25 -exhibition is a relevant marker of conversations brought forward from spaces traditionally left on the margins in contemporary art’s national and international contexts. What constitutes the ‘margins’? And who gets to calculate, measure or communicate, with any precise method, the marginality of any lived experience? The centre-margins relationship cannot be understood as a fixed, in a straight line, or as binary, but as hierarchies and power dynamics rooted in geopolitics and social relations, and must be articulated as such.

HAIHATUS25 will showcase artworks from various periods of Haihatus’ history, as well as pieces by newcomers, at the Fantasia-house gallery space and Haihatus yard, which will also feature the communal art project Voimametsä. These segments are curated by Risto Puurunen, Panu Ollikainen, and Kaisa Vigman, the artistic director of Voimametsä. As an independent part of the Haihatus Summer Exhibition, the House of Kinetic Arts KITA presents a new exhibition titled “Invisibility” curated by Tuomo Vuoteenoma.


Confirmed Artists: 


Sheung Yiu

Bogna Luiza Wisniewska

Sakari Vinko

Minni Välipakka 

Alma Tuuva (@pikakahvimemegirl)

Arlene Tucker

Lada Suomenrinne

Juliana Irene Smith

Azar Saiyar

Samra Šabanovic

Golrokh Nafisi

Bruno Moreschi

Adnan Mirza

Jade Lönnqvist

Jenni Laiti

Gülbeden Kulbay

Minjee Hwang Kim

Anna Karima

August Joensalo

Nayab Noor Ikram

Gabrielė Gervickaitė

Paola Fernanda Guzmán Figueroa

Piergiorgio Colone

Camille Auer

Uzair Amjad

Joss Allen


KITA-gallerian näyttelyyn voit perehtyä lisää tästä linkistä.

HAIHATUS25 päänäyttelyn Taiteilijat

Sheung Yiu

Bogna Luiza Wisniewska

Sakari Vinko

Minni Välipakka 

Alma Tuuva (@pikakahvimemegirl)

Arlene Tucker

Lada Suomenrinne

Juliana Irene Smith

Azar Saiyar

Samra Šabanovic

Golrokh Nafisi

Bruno Moreschi

Adnan Mirza

Jade Lönnqvist

Jenni Laiti

Gülbeden Kulbay

Minjee Hwang Kim

Anna Karima

August Joensalo

Nayab Noor Ikram

Gabrielė Gervickaitė

Paola Fernanda Guzmán Figueroa

Piergiorgio Colone

Camille Auer

Uzair Amjad

Joss Allen



We welcome artists and art students of all disciplines to submit their applications to the Haihatus Artist Residency for 2024 – 2025 season (September – April).

The residency includes workspace and accommodation.

Workgroups are also welcome to apply.

Haihatus art centre is located in Joutsa, Central Finland, in three historical buildings with a big garden and outdoor sculpture park. Haihatus team organises events, exhibitions and workshops which involve both artists and the local community.

Haihatus is an inspiring workspace with a tranquil environment for efficient creative process and has the possibility to share your work through exhibition / workshop / artist talk.

Shared and private working spaces offer opportunities for artists of various disciplines.

Our studios are best suited for visual and performing arts.

Deadline for applications: 14.04.2024 23:59



LUMIKITA, the community snow art event, will be organized on Sunday, February 25, 2024. A prep party will be held on the previous days, Friday & Saturday, February 23 & 24.

Everyone who wants to can take part in building the snow sculptures, castles, and a common large sledding hill. Lumikita includes a downhill race, snowmobile sleigh rides, ice sculptures, carousel sledding, sausage roasting and other fun things! Lumikita values community and making a free event for everyone!

Participating are: Haihatus Art Centre, Cafe Meijerinliiteri, Lumikissat, Joutsa parish, Restaurant Huttula, Joutsa municipality, and private individuals.

If you have a fun idea suitable for a snow event, please contact us so that we can try to incorporate it into the plan together!

Planning meeting: Wednesday, 24.1.2024 from 18-19 at Restaurant Huttula. Welcome!

For more information contact Mimosa Pale at mimosa@haihatus.fi, 04578373742 or Nina Kuikka at the Joutsa library 040 725 8056 / nina.kuikka@joutsa.fi.

LUMIKITA event on facebook

Wednesday, 24.1.2024 – planning meeting in Huttula restaurant from 18-19
Friday, 23.2.2024 – prep party from 10.00-15.00 (come when you can)
Saturday, 24.2.2024 – prep party from 10.00-15.00 (come when you can)
Sunday, 25.2. 2024 – Lumikita snow event from 10:00-13:00


Need some time off, or some personal space? Maybe a getaway for Christmas? We welcome professional artists and art students of all disciplines and nationalities to submit their applications to the international Haihatus Artist Residency in fall, winter and spring from 2023 to 2024 (November-April). The individual residency periods are one to three months long. The residency includes workspace and accommodation. Workgroups are also welcome to apply!

Haihatus is an inspiring, relaxed, and international working residence. We have hosted artists from all around the globe for over a decade! You can come to the residence by yourself or with a workgroup. Duration of residencies is usually 1-3 full calendar months.

Common and private working spaces offer opportunities for a great variety of art making from 

conventional visual arts to performing, dramatic arts. The operation and programs of Haihatus are free in nature and artist-oriented. We provide excellent facilities for you to focus on your work: there are six 10-90 m2 studios to work or practise in, room for performing, a dwelling, a sauna, a gallery house, and a house for art events. Haihatus also holds events and get-togethers, but it’s also completely fine to relax on your own: even the rooms have their own kitchenettes. There’s also two friendly cats, Korhonen and Räisänen, and scratches-loving dog Jeff living downstairs in the residency house.

Residency is situated in the 100 years old Utopia house, performing arts’ studio is in Fantasia house, and the gallery in Haihatus house. 

Haihatus is located in the countryside in a rural municipality of Joutsa, in the middle of beautiful Finnish lakeland. The easy-reachable residency is 200 km from Helsinki and the nearest city Jyväskylä is located 70 km away via bus connection. Joutsa offers good facilities for outdoor activities, free-of-charge gym, village cinema, and all the other town’s services are within a walking or cycling distance. 

Deadline for applications (fall, winter and spring 2023-2024) will be 30.10.2023

Make your application here: https://haihatus.fi/en/residency-application/

We are more than happy to answer any questions, please send us a message: residency@haihatus.fi (we speak English and Finnish)

KITA: Summer Exhibition 2023

KITA – House of Kinetic Art’s summer exhibition “Interventilaatio” is closed now. We thank all the wonderful guests and welcome you to visit our next exhibition in summer 2024!

The exhibition is an independent part of the summer exhibition “Beyond Everything” at the Haihatus Art Centre. KITA OPEN -multiartfest is the closing event of the exhibition on 26-27.8.2023.

The 2023 summer exhibition will focus on the alliance between kinetic art and immersiveness and mixes two inherently interactive and playful artistic mindsets. The exhibition includes performative sculptures and installations, sound artworks and multi-sensory experiential spaces that invite visitors to immerse themselves deeper into the floors of the building. The works are site-specific, inspired by the details of the KITA building and its surroundings, and this summer will even extend to the KITA’s waterfront. The movement-based works work with a variety of mechanics, materials, physical phenomena and analogue electrical devices. The exhibition is created by a cast of artists known from kinetic art and immersive theatre: Erik Alalooga, Artemisia Vulgaris collective, Johanna Latvala, Henna Matanuska, Panu Ollikainen, Essi Pitkänen, Jenni Sormunen, Antti Tolvi and KITA’s artistic director Tuomo Vuoteenoma.

KITA was opened to the public in 2022 when a residential building that had been deserted for decades was renovated into an exhibition space for kinetic art.The surprising dimensions of the gallery and its location on a spectacular waterfront plot at the corner of Nelostie and Joutsansalmi make KITA a special place to visit.

Instagram: @kitagalleria
KITA 17.6.-27.8.2023 / opening hours: wed-sun 11-18 / midsummer holiday 23.-25.6 closed
KITA OPEN -multiartfest 26.-27.8.2023
For information and interview requests: Tuomo Vuoteenoma +358 50 3693839, kita@haihatus.fi
Tickets: 10 € / 8 € / Haihatus joint ticket 20€ – KITA is a Museum Card (museokortti) destination.
Address: Tokerontie 11, 19650 Joutsa

INTERVENTILAATIO, a new kinetic art exhibition playfully twisting senses with immersive elements KITA 17.6 -27.8.2023 Artists: Panu OllikainenArtemisia Vulgaris -collective, Erik AlaloogaAntti TolviJohanna LatvalaEssi PitkänenJenni Sormunen and Tuomo Vuoteenoma. The Exhibition is curated by Tuomo Vuoteenoma.

Summer 2023: Kaiken takana / Beyond Everything

“Beyond Everything” 17.6 – 27.8.2023 

The 24th Fine Arts Summer Exhibition in Art Center Haihatus, Joutsa, Finland 

Art Center Haihatus’s “Beyond Everything” is bringing over 40 artists to Joutsa, Finland. The fine arts group exhibition is held 17.6-27.8.

The multidisciplinary Fine Arts Summer Exhibition Beyond Everything focuses on powers that influence the world behind our sensory perceptions. Different kinds of energies, the bending dimension of time and the ever-changing borders of reality come together as one!

The summer exhibition is presenting fine arts from Finnish spatial arts pioneer Marja Kanervo, video arts from Mika Taanila and Anssi 8000, sculptures from young Finnish masters such as Laura Könönen and Aaron Heino, paintings and mural works from Siiri Haarla, installations from Academy Awards Oscar Nominee 2023 for Best Music, Cleaning Women, sound arts from Antti Tolvi and J. Koho and much more! 

House of Kinetic Arts KITA is also presenting their summer exhibition Interventilation as an independent part of Haihatus Summer Exhibition, which is a brand new collection of kinetic artworks by international artists. 

The full list of artists: Erik Alalooga, Artemisia Vulgaris, Anders Bergman, Lotta Blomberg, Baran Caginli, Cleaning Women, Michal Czinege & Maija Laurinen, Santiago Delgado, Jenni Eskola, Noora Federley, Siiri Haarla, Hannah Harkes, Aaron Heino, Elisa Hillgén, Juhana Hurula, Aino Johansson, Lasse Juuti, Kallo Collective, Marja Kanervo, Anssi Kasitonni, Asko Keränen, J. Koho, Laura Könönen, Mikko Laaksonen, Johanna Latvala, Maria Mattila, Anna Miller, Panu Ollikainen, Ilmo Paukkunen, Essi Pitkänen, Risto Puurunen & Marita Isobel Solberg, Matti Salmela, Jenni Sormunen, Restlessminds, Shubhangi Singh, Mika Taanila, Antti Tolvi, Keijo Virtanen, Julius Valve, Steve Vanoni and Tuomo Vuoteenoma.

Art Center Haihatus will also hold music events in July. The two events, Music Sundays, will be held on Sunday 16th of July with the industrial-krautrock band Cleaning Women and electronic hurdy-gurdy music by Hur Hur, and Sunday 30th of July with Finnish folk artists Lätsä and A. Takalo. Both of the events will have after parties at the local Kellari bar in Joutsa center. Theater Metamorfoosi’s and Kallo Collective’s collective effort, a physical and satirical theater piece Into the Wild will be holding shows at every weekend all through July at Art Center Haihatus. More information and tickets for Into the Wild are available at the Haihatus website: haihatus.fi

“Beyond Everything” The 24th Fine Arts Summer Exhibition of Art Center Haihatus 17.6-27.8.

Tickets 5-20€ / Museokortti (Finnish Museum Card)i

Open from Wed-Sun from 11 AM to 6 PM

Closed during Midsummer festivities 23.-25.6.

Art Center Haihatus, Jousitie 68-70, Joutsa, Finland

House of Kinetic Arts KITA, Tokerontie 11, Joutsa, Finland

More information and requests for interviews:
Official webpage of Art Centre Haihatus: http://haihatus.fi
FB: facebook.com/taidelaitoshaihatus

Art Center Haihatus, Risto Puurunen, phone. +358400 858 639, risto@haihatus.fi 
KITA -gallery, Tuomo Vuoteenoma, puh. +35850 369 3839, tuomo@haihatus.fi

Press pictures for free use (please use the photographer’s name): https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1DddWo88BTem-X90ByISqBZ6eZQCjNYGo? usp=sharing

Haihatus ja Joutsan kunta yhteistyöhön Joutopäivien järjestämiseksi

Haihatus ja Joutsan kunta ovat sopineet yhteistyöstä vuoden 2023 Joutsan Joutopäivien järjestämiseksi. Tulevan kesän Joutopäivät järjestetään lauantaina 1.7. – sunnuntaina 2.7.2023 Haihatuksessa ja lähialueella.

51-vuotiaat Joutopäivät tulevat tänä vuonna olemaan yhdistelmä uutta ja vanhaa. Luvassa on elävästä kyläkulttuuriperinnöstä ammentavia “nostalgianostoja”, paikallistuotteiden; lähiruuan, juoman ja käsitöiden tori, musiikkia, sirkusta, taidetta, kisailuja, yhdessä olemista ja tekemistä. Joutopäivien suunnittelutyöryhmä vastaa päätapahtuman ohjelmasisällöistä.

“Tavoitteenamme ei ole toistaa asioita täsmälleen sellaisina kuin ne on aina tehty, vaan perehdyttyämme Joutopäivien historiaan lähdimme pohtimaan perinteiden ja nykyisyyden suhdetta. Mitä historiasta halutaan säilyttää ja miten se elävöityy tapahtuman muotoon? Entä miten elävän perinnön rinnalle tuodaan uusia, nykykävijöitä palvelevia tapahtumaelementtejä?” , Haihatuksen toiminnanjohtaja Risto Puurunen kertoo.

Suunnitteilla on myös päätapahtumaviikonloppua seuraava Joutoviikko, joka kutsuu paikallistoimijoita järjestämään tapahtumia ja tempauksia omissa tapahtumapaikoissaan pitkin Joutsaa. Joutoviikon tavoitteena on koota yhdelle tarjottimelle paikalliset elämyspalvelut ja kiinnostavat käyntikohteet. Joutoviikon aktiviteetit kerätään yhteiseen menovinkki-kalenteriin ja ne pääsevät osaksi Joutopäivien yhteismarkkinointia. Joutoviikko huipentuu lauantaina 8.7. järjestettävään Joutsa Chopper Showhun.

Joutsan kunta tukee vuoden 2023 Joutopäiviä 20 000 eurolla.

Yhteyshenkilöt medialle:

Joutsan kunta/ Harri Nissinen: harri.nissinen@joutsa.fi

Taidelaitos Haihatus / Risto Puurunen: risto@haihatus.fi

Omaperäiset kulttuurimatkailupalvelut luodaan yhdessä

TIEDOTE 20.10.2022 Taidelaitos Haihatus

Taidelaitos Haihatus kokoaa yhteen Joutsan ja lähiseudun kulttuuri- ja matkailutoimijat verkostoitumaan ja luomaan omaperäisiä kulttuurimatkailupalveluita. 

Taidelaitos Haihatuksen vetämässä kulttuurimatkailupalvelujen kehittämishankkeessa tuotetaan uusia, paikallisista vahvuuksista ja alueen ominaispiirteistä kumpuavia, elämyksellisiä ja erottuvia kulttuurimatkailupalveluita. Hanke on avoin kaikille kulttuurin ja matkailun parissa toimiville yrityksille, paikallisyhdistyksille, freelancer-taiteilijoille, tapahtumanjärjestäjille, paikallisperinteen asiantuntijoille sekä kunnan kulttuuri- ja matkailutoimelle. 

Hankkeeseen mukaan lähtevät kulttuuri- ja matkailutoimijat työstävät palveluitaan Visit Finland Akatemian kulttuurimatkailuvalmentaja Maija Sydänmaanlakan vetämissä kuukausittain järjestettävissä työpajoissa. Verkostolle luodaan yhteinen matkailumarkkinointibrändi, jota hyödynnetään erityisesti digitaalisessa markkinointiviestinnässä. Hankkeen myötä syntyneet, vahvasti paikalliskulttuuriin ankkuroituvat kulttuurimatkailupalvelut tullaan pilotoimaan ensi kesänä.

Hankkeen mahdollistaa Taiteen edistämiskeskuksen myöntämä Erityisavustukset harvaan asuttujen alueiden kulttuuritoimintaan -rahoitus ja hankeaika on 10/2022–9/2023. Hankkeeseen osallistuminen on verkostoon tuleville maksutonta. Hankkeen avajaistilaisuus ja samalla ensimmäinen työpaja ”Kulttuurimatkailupalvelut syntyvät verkostossa” järjestetään tiistaina 8.11.2022 kello 13-16 Taidelaitos Haihatuksen tiloissa. (Jousitie 68–70 19650 Joutsa) Ilmoittautuminen tilaisuuteen hankekoordinaattorille päättyy sunnuntaina 6.11.2022.

Lisätietoja hankkeesta:

Reetta Karppinen



Taidelaitos Haihatus on kansallisesti ja kansainvälisesti tunnettu, monitaiteellinen nykytaidekeskus Joutsassa Keski-Suomessa. Sen toiminnan taustalla on yleishyödyllinen ja voittoa tavoittelematon kulttuuriyhdistys Haihatuksen henki ry. www.haihatus.fi * facebook.com/taidelaitoshaihatus * instagam.com/haihatus

KITA Summer Exhibition 2022


The artists in the gallery’s first exhibition are Kati Hyyppä, Jari Johannes, Antti Immonen, Mimosa Pale, Walerija Peter and Tuomo Vuoteenoma, last of whom being the artistic director of the house. The exhibition features kinetic sculptures, installations, graphics, sound and light art, and performances.

Kita opens in Joutsa, right next to E75 road on the lakeside. The house has been abandoned for decades and has lately been converted as a special gallery of kinetic arts . The roots of specializing in kinetic art can be found in years of work on the Haihatus’ Avantgardevekkula exhibition concept, where one emphasis has been on kinetic sculptures and installations. It is an art exhibition that encourages human curiosity, with works that are visually impressive but also with challenging contents.

Kita is open 2.7. – 7.8. Wed-Sun 11-18 and August weekends Sat-Sun 11-18. The exhibition can be found at Tokerontie 11, Joutsa. A café and toilet facilities as well as a parking space for cars are located in the vicinity of nearby Huttula -restaurant.

Tickets: 10/5 €. KITA is a Museum Card destination.

Kita’s operations have been strongly supported by Restaurant Huttula by handing over its property to Haihatus and the LEADER support granted by the Central Finlands ELY Center.

For more information, please contact Tuomo Vuoteenoma, kita@haihatus.fi


We welcome professional artists and art students of all disciplines and nationalities to submit their applications to the international Haihatus Artist Residency in fall 2022 – spring 2023.

The individual residency periods are one to three months long. The residency includes workspace and accommodation. Workgroups are also welcome to apply!

Haihatus is an inspiring, relaxed, and international working residence. We have hosted artists from all around the globe for over a decade! You can come to the residence by yourself or with a workgroup. Duration of residencies is usually 1-3 full calendar months.

Common and private working spaces offer opportunities for a great variety of art making from conventional visual arts to performing, dramatic arts. The operation and programs of Haihatus are free in nature and artist-oriented. We provide excellent facilities for you to focus on your work: there are six 10-60 m2 studios to work or practise in, room for performing, a dwelling, a sauna, a gallery house, and a house for art events. Residency is situated in the 100 years old Utopia house, performing arts’ studio is in Fantasia house, and the gallery in Haihatus house. 

Haihatus is located in the countryside in a rural municipality of Joutsa, in the middle of beautiful Finnish lakeland. It is 200 km from Helsinki and the nearest city Jyväskylä is located 70 km away. Joutsa offers good facilities for outdoor activities, free-of-charge gym, village cinema, and all the other town’s services are within a walking or cycling distance. 

Deadline for applications (autumn 2022 – spring 2023) will be 31.5.2022

Application: https://haihatus.fi/en/residency-application/

More info: residency@haihatus.fi

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